Dear Community Day School Families and Friends,
Purim is coming soon! We hope that you will join our school celebration by taking part in the CDS Parent Association’s Mishloach Manot Project.
This year, our theme will be: Am Yisrael Chai!
The mitzvah of sending Mishloach Manot, or Purim baskets, instills harmony and love among the Jewish people and reminds us we cannot forget about the needs of the less fortunate in our community even as we celebrate.
On Wednesday, March 20, everyone in the Community Day School family will receive identical baskets featuring a variety of Israeli-themed novelties and
kosher food items.
Support for this project not only fosters community and festive celebration, but it is also a major fundraiser for the Parent Association. Funds raised support many of the Parent Association projects, including initiatives like the GRANTED! program.
Attached to each Mishloach Manot will be a brochure listing your name together with other individuals and families who so generously make a contribution. An $18 minimum donation is suggested.
All donations must be made by Wednesday, March 13, to be included in our giving brochure.
Thank you for your support, and Chag Purim Sameach!
Best wishes,
Rachel Albert, Emily Friedman-Novak , Lindsey Herman, Mara Svoboda
Chairs, Mishloach Manot